Monika Lach teaches history at Skola Podstawowa Nr 1 (Primary School #1) in Przemysl, Poland. In her class, Monika teaches a section aboutFusia and Helena, their local heroes. Monika’s daughter, also a student at the school, wrote and essay about Fusia which was submitted to a regional competition and brought more attention to Fusia’s story.
Monika connected with Fusia’s me in early in 2018 to learn more about what happened with Fusia. As it turned out, I was planing to visit Przemysl with my wife and daughter in April so Monika made arrangements for us to visit the school and meet the students. Monika’s class put on a skit about Stefi’s life.
On the one hand, I watched the skit as a dad watching his kid in a play (my daughter was 13 at the time and she appeared in several school plays). On the other hand, I was deeply moved almost to tears that this skit was about my mom and aunt.
I was asked to say a few words to the students. My goal was to let these young kids know that like my mom, they have a chance to change the world. One thought, one declaration from one person can make a huge difference. My mom declared that what was happening was wrong and she needed to do something. I’m hopeful my talk might have ignited a spark in one of those kids.
At the end of the skit, one of the students sang a Polish song “Isc w Strone Slonca” which roughly translated means “Go Towards the Sunlight”. I had never heard it before but the way she sang and the lyrics touched me deeply.
I am most grateful to Monika for reaching out on a whim and connecting.
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